Laity Institute of the Arts and Sciences
Laity Theatre Company DBA Laity Institute of the Arts
A non-profit private organization founded in 1989, it began with the dreams of founders Jim and Delayna Goins. The husband and wife team consciously utilized their expertise to serve the Los Angeles area youth by developing a comprehensive summer theatre workshop. Always popular and fun-filled, the program eventually grew to include adults and became known as a company of professionals who served the community through artistic and educational means. Other subjects, such as art, animation, dance clinics, and music, were added later.
Now a thriving arts organization, LIA continues to specialize in direct, meaningful instruction and confidence building through the visual and performing arts as supplemental education for children after school. Our teachers help to develop and refine students' social and cultural interactive skills and elevate their artistic consciousness. The outcome is decisive: the student comes to realize their talent and is capable of comprehending their abilities while appreciating the achievements of others.
Our goal since founding LIA has been to give students of all ages and skill levels a chance to explore their creativity through the arts, which, in turn, will affect other areas of their lives. Studies have repeatedly shown that kids who study the arts at an early age do better in school, score higher on college entrance exams, and generally lead more successful lives. We ensure all our instructors strongly desire to teach others and the knowledge and know-how to back it up.